Imagine you are Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. Built between 1163 CE and 1345 CE, you are one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture, with you flying buttresses and a gallery of chimeras. You were built to inspire a sense of transcendence.
But the years have taken their toll; your walls, arches and angels have accumulated soot and grime. Your vibration has plummeted since you were built; fear, anger and despair have made you look worse than you had been.
And then there is catastrophe.
In the case of Notre Dame Cathedral, the catastrophe was a fire in in 2019. At first, experts thought it was beyond repair. Out of these catastrophes can come renewal. Notre Dame Cathedral reopened December 7-8, 2024.
Once the workmen finished their work, it was filled with light like nobody living had ever seen there before. Some people protested that it didn’t look right; it didn’t look like it had always looked (to them.) It apparently made them uncomfortable. Our own friends and family are sometimes uncomfortable with our change when we become better versions of ourselves. Notre Dame was actually designed to reflect light like it does now. We likewise are light beings.
Every material thing in the Universe is composed of photons—light particles. In his book Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness, Claude Swanson says the human body typically emits up to a few hundred biophotons per second per centimeter of skin. These biophotons are the primary way DNA in one cell communicates with the DNA in other cells. According to a study done at the University of Kassel, a person typically emits about 20 photons per second but that rate increases to around 100,000 photons per second in a person who is meditating on the heart center and is sending love and light to others. We are literally light beings. It is our nature.
To become enlightened is essentially returning us to our higher-vibrational nature. We just need to remove the metaphysical soot and grime that has been accumulating on our souls. Practicing being forgiving, compassionate, patient and grateful, to name a few, are great soul-cleansers capable of bringing us back to enLightenment.