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Writer's picture: Novella KeylerNovella Keyler
Create a Life You Would Love
Create a Life You Would Love

How are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions? You either are still working on them or they have fallen by the wayside.

Now can he a great time to start working on something a little less measurable, but even more important.

WHO do you want to b BE in 2025 and beyond?

That can be an important first question even when trying to change a behavior like is typically identified in those New Year’s resolutions. Suppose you want to lose weight. How does a thin person think and what do they do that is different than what you are thinking and doing now? Just going through the motions is not sufficient if you want to make a lasting change. You have to become that person. Maybe you want to get out of debt. How does a person that has more than enough money think and behave? If you are always acting, feeling and thinking like someone who lives in lack, that is what you will continue experiencing. Maybe you want to live in a world that works for everyone.  If you want to live in a world that works for everyone, you have to notice how it is working for everyone, even occasionally or in some limited way. If you always look for injustice, you will always find it.

When you want to BE a better person, find a trait that describes you at least sometimes. Then put it into positive terms. Even a chronic liar tells the truth sometimes. Notice when you express the traits you want more of. Then be grateful for it. (As the chronic liar, it is better to notice “I chose to be honest 3 times today when it would have been easier to lie” instead of  “I told only 19 lies today—yeaaah!—down 6 from yesterday!) The chronic liar wants to be honest more often, so the focus needs to be honesty instead of dishonesty. Be focused on the traits and behavior you want more of. Your subconscious does not think in terms of absence. To imagine “no pain” one must first imagine the pain then deny it. Instead, what is the opposite of pain? What do  you want? To walk around the park comfortably? Do you want to be more honest? Focus on honesty. Do you want to be more compassionate?  Focus on not only your own compassion, but notice when other people are being compassionate. Focus on compassion, or honesty, or comfortable movement, or whatever it is that you want to experience more of in your life.

Some people work hard to be a better person in order to please a grumpy God, but a person doesn’t  need to believe in that Grumpy God, or any god for that matter, to value being their best self. We all are literally light beings. Our bodies are filled with light/photons. When we are being our best, most enlightened selves, we let our lights shine, as Jesus said. That light benefits each of us personally as well as everyone else. Everything in the Universe is ultimately connecterd, and our kindnesses and generosity, and our loving-kindness ripples out, touching other, who then cause more ripples that touch others. No small kindness is too small to be inconsequential.

So who do you want to be in 2025 and beyond? What changes do you want to make within yourself? How do you want to make the world a better place?

1)       Start with a trait or behavior you have but what more of, and be grateful for that.

2)        Imagine what the “you” who has more of that trait or behavior thinks and behaves that is different than the “you” you are now.

3)       Imagine what it is like to embody that person—what do you see/hear, and what does it feel like? Get into the vibration of that.

4)       Think, feel and act ever more often in line with who that person is.

Onward!! … to a better more enlightened you!

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